Positive Mealtimes

Positive Mealtimes

Role Modeling: Effective Mealtime Strategies

Discusses effective research-based strategies to use at mealtime:

  1. Sit with children during mealtimes.
  2. Eat the same foods that children eat.
  3. Eat the food at least twice.
  4. Gently prompt children to try foods.
  5. Be positive.
  6. Repeatedly offer a variety of foods.

Length- 3:54; for children 2-5 years

Download English handout   Download Spanish handout

Role of Fathers During Mealtime


Dr. McBride explains the roles of fathers during mealtimes, how fathers can become more involved in mealtimes while facing a pandemic, and the cultural differences of fathers feeding practices.

Length- 9:30; for All Ages

Download Involving Fathers Handout

Family Mealtimes Matter


Dr. Krehbiel discusses the importance of family mealtimes on children’s development and family functioning.

Length- 8:44; for All Ages

Download Family Mealtimes Matter Handout

Tips to Help Picky Eaters

Discusses tips to implement when dealing with picky eaters:

  1. Don’t pressure children to eat.
  2. Model Healthy eating.
  3. Encourage children of explore the food using all of their senses.
  4. Keep exposing children to new foods.
  5. Sit with children and eat the same foods.
  6. Let children serve themselves.
  7. Praise children for trying new foods, not cleaning their plates.

Length- 2:15; for children 2-5 years

Download English handout     Download Spanish handout

Food Refusal


This video shares tips on how to handle food refusal in children. It discusses Ellyn Satter’s Division of Responsibility in Feeding and explains what is the parent’s job verses the child’s job when it comes to eating.

Length- 5:25; for All Ages

For more information on Ellyn Satter’s Division of Responsibility in Feeding

click here

4 Ways to Use Rewards Effectively with Children

Discusses the impact of using effective rewards. If you chose to use rewards, try selecting the following rewards:

  1. Choose non-food rewards such as high fives and hugs.
  2. High interest rewards.
  3. Be selective when rewarding children.

Length- 2:03; for children 2-5 years

Download the Praise and Rewards Handout 2

Mindful Tea Meditation


We encourage you to find time to eat or drink your foods mindfully. Take a few deep breaths before eating to become calmer and set your intentions to not rush through your snack or meal. Eat slowly by chewing your food slowly. Pause and notice if you are full. The brain can take 20 minutes to notice your body if full. It can also be helpful to eat without distractions such as phones or television. Lynn is leading a mindful tea meditation for older kids and adults.

Length- 6:48; for children 6+ years

Download Mindful Eating for Whole Health and Well-Being handout

Avoid These Rewards to Encourage Children to Eat

Avoid these 4 rewards:

  1. Food-based rewards.
  2. “If-then” contingency.
  3. Rewarding for already-liked foods.
  4. Rewarding for finishing food.

Length- 3:18; for children 2-5 years

Download the Praise and Rewards Handout 1

Home Gardening as a Family


Learn from Terri as she walks through how involve kids of all ages in home gardening, deal with common problems in the garden, and how to start a home garden.

Length- 8:30; for All Ages

Use the links below to learn more!

Backyard Farmer

The First Steps of Vegetable Gardening

GROBigRed Virtual Learning Series

Making Your Meals Special


Learn how to take your mealtime from ordinary to extraordinary and create a more memorable mealtime.

Length- 2:09; for All Ages

Download the Making Your Meals Special Handout

Increasing Fruit Consumption


Fruits are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. This video will teach you some tips to increase fruit consumption.

Length- 2:00; for All Ages

Download the 3 Simple Ways to Increase Fruit Consumption Handout